

40 yo artist, costumer, animal lover, foodie, adventure seeker, traveler, fantasy buff, perpetual child! Mail carrier by day, werewolf always ;)

フォロー数:2134 フォロワー数:737

Because my dear sister needed more Vidarr art, and I have a tough time saying no ;) (plus lip licks are damn fun to draw)

0 6

Have an art! Sonia often lets me run wild with her characters (this one is the habdsome Vidarr), this was super fun to do and remind myself how to draw haha

3 21

Cannot praise this amazing depiction of Roisin enough!! Thank you for the gorgeous arts, and do go check out her work and get your own!

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Thank you for the chance!

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Because I actually have stuff to post for !!! :)

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WIP snarlieeesss!

14 77

Thank you for the opportunity and here's to many more follows (and amazing art from you!)

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