

C64 demo scener (Mayday & Vision), 6502 assembly, JavaScript dev, 8 bit graphics, retro hardware fixing and Arduino hacking. I merge PRs on a Friday.

フォロー数:309 フォロワー数:3068

"Acne" by Electric, C64 PETSCII, 2nd at Kozmos mixed compo.

12 48

"The Legend of the Secret Tomb", C64 multicolor, 160x200, by Luisa, 1st place at BCC#14.

24 151

"ARTificial Bullshit, no commercial potential" C64 hires, 320x200, by Duce, 1st place at Kozmos

67 380

"OdeToParrot" by Mirage, C64 multicolor, 1st place at Compopic Competition.

14 83

"No Returns No Refunds All Sales Final" by Mermaid, C64 multicolor, 2nd place at Compopic competition. Happy to see back again.

9 42

I'm not really a Speccy guy, but these two images popped into my timeline this morning and I think they are pretty amazing. Given the limitations of the palette and the color clashes, both artworks transport a lot of mood. Well done.

5 47

"Raster Split" by Mixer & Electric, C64 hires. Winner of the gfx compo at Zoo 2019. What an absolute blast.

45 197

"Phoenix" by Facet, C64 multicolor, released at Zoo 2019. Facet dominates the scene with another winning entry. Absolutely stunning.

27 139

"Hanami in Roihuvuori" by Moraff, C64 multicolor, released at Zoo 2019.

7 30

fun fact: I based the image for the C64 jewel release on the Spectrum version.

1 10