

blonde characters enjoyer (esp aether, hiiragi, hirano, chobe, sanji, sabo, yukine, ahyeon, algira, koushuu, sega)

フォロー数:155 フォロワー数:136

RT is appreciated 🤍🧡
ada yg mau sharing omanjuu, fuwa s sama pote bleach nggaaa 🥺🥺🥺 omanjuu nnti kalo ga full bisa kena +sisa ato harga nya di naikin buat nutupin sisa nyaaa 🥹🥹

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akatsuki no yona, the cover is so pretty https://t.co/WzGss9rFJV

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hi im looking for more friends especially if u read tga, jigo, bllk and bnha. i really LOUD about SEIYUUS (massun, makoto, yuuma ++) and tomura :3 also i know A LOT of music projects too hehe. be friends with me pls and heres my carrd https://t.co/UhcBKA4ubC

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who has the best outfit in furuba and why is it hatsuharu

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