

Artist, Writer, and Creator of Lost and Found on Webtoon Canvas…

フォロー数:152 フォロワー数:128

These are from last year
In order of appearance
- The Beasts of Amity Bluff by taylordraws
- Earthshine by
- Princess Wannabe by

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That's a huge one to decide so I'll just go with 4 off the top of my head. Disgaea designs, Air Gear designs, Final Fantasy designs and MHA designs. It's all over the place but I love them all.

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All of my main characters share some part of me. For Sulivan a prominent part is his little brother nature. As the youngest in my family it is easy to look up to everyone else and find yourself in awe. Another aspect being his critical nature.


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I'm not saying there's favoritism among the orphans. I'm just saying it MIGHT exist and if it does, it's Allie. Allie is my favorite.

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Here are a couple of pieces of mine! You can also read my webcomic Lost and Found here


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Hi! I'm Azi I have a comic called Lost and Found. It's a coming of age story about a boy and the warrior he is guiding through a magical forest. It draws a bit of inspiration from Zelda. Give it a read if you're looking for a new fantasy series!


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Cheva being a big weirdo

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One brand new episode of Lost and Found coming at ya! Pipin hot, right out of the oven! Go check it out on Webtoon Canvas now!


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This Call to Action Webtoon contest being announced right after I finished watching Bakuman is a dream come true. Time to channel my inner Eiji Niizuma and go WILD!!

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