cody collinsさんのプロフィール画像

cody collinsさんのイラストまとめ

31. char design and vis dev. creator of THE ODD HUSTLE. email: azooart(@)yahoo(.)com kofi:

フォロー数:2685 フォロワー数:21316

Now that we've described them thoroughly, let's just throw em all together. ...Okay, not like that, let me explain.

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Speaking of the keys, he's the trio's wheels; the literal vehicle of the operation, and is the manager of all business affairs (whether the other two like it or not). He's also the pessimist of the group, whiny, paranoid and insufferable.

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Snappy, rude, disheveled and pretentious; Derek often lies his responsibilities on others as he keeps to the background. He's fairly rubbish at anything he does so it's not like we're missing much.

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DEREK. A beatnik black sheep tangled in seedy backgrounds of property damage debt. His goal: to pay back massive debts from his past expeditions.

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Mizue is the group's brain, a creative thinker and her do-good nature is their gumption. She's also the much-needed realist between two extremes.

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MIZUE. Mizue is a mid-20s straggler with dreams of greener pastures. An altruist at heart, she's the most helpful person of the trio, although maybe to a fault.

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Raj is the brawn (or at least in relativity..), an excellent acrobat, and maybe the trio's brightest star of groovy, positive energy. The brightest ray of sunshine in the group.

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RAJ. No date or place of birth, no home, no backstory. He’s traveled to nearly every corner of the map; taking many occupations and many names, riding the breeze wherever it takes him.

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Anyways, let's get this show on the road! Get into position, we're rolling!

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Best described as a "slice-of-life action adventure gag comedy and".. well, okay, not very label friendly. ODD is in itself kind of a genre chameleon; shifting with an ebb and flow much like life itself. You can control the wheel of the vehicle, but not the road ahead, can you?!

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