azure "Number 1 Me-Mow Stan" asterさんのプロフィール画像

azure "Number 1 Me-Mow Stan" asterさんのイラストまとめ

disgruntled post-post-rocker for @StrikeFourth / @thegaragesband, song and level man for @onemrbean's Soundodger 2. avi: @sonokido, banner: me.

フォロー数:1109 フォロワー数:270

hey look! its hiroto cerna, from the hit video game blaseball

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a couple miscellaneous blaseball ocs. one is Morgan Snail, who was convicted for grand larceny, although she insists on being arrested for "absolutely popping off." the other is Hannah Syrup, who is syrup

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i've made the executive decision. it is, in fact, based and not cringe to make blaseball OCs

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hey, thanks for browsing this hashtag by recent! you're doing good work today. as a reward, here's some of the art i've made recently that i think is pretty good.

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