

Chef. Closet poet. Older than many.
Sometimes intelligent. Sometimes funny.

フォロー数:5997 フォロワー数:3921

While I work in my kitchen, these guys just hang out and earn $ape . Join a nice friendly community

22 57

Check these out. Visit the lab.
Join the Discord. Have fun and earn apecoin!

6 10

So I got lucky and won my way into this fun community!
and luck has it they are repping in
My NFT journey is all about the fun and I'm winning!
Now that's sweet!

23 38

Been having a great time in the community, loving the community milk! And check out this sick 1/1 I won in the discord! I watched it being drawn on Twitch, so cool!

6 19

Hey thanks a bunch for this cool Metaverse Bullies win from the spin! ❤️🙏

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