Bakhti Nishanovさんのプロフィール画像

Bakhti Nishanovさんのイラストまとめ

On the Hill with Opinions strictly mine

フォロー数:2171 フォロワー数:31267

In this except from a Soviet movie about Ibn Sina (Avicenna), he advises closing bazaars and mosques to prevent the spread of the Black Death

555 1239

Meanwhile in The president instructs ministers on how to build a 45 ft. tall statue to a dog

195 439

"Chemical attack in
"What chemical attack?!"


2 5

This is why it’s totally worth waking up early.

0 42

You know, are a major help in controlling populations of rats & other pests. venom saves the lives of millions of people as it's used to treat cancers & heart disease. are absolutely paramount to the health of eco-systems, the environment and biodiversity.

1 6

And since we are talking about Jews, this must be one of my favorite photos ever: Two Old Jewish Men in By Max Penson. ~1920s.

4 14

Also, Irtysh is a tributary of the Ob River. The word "Ob" is of origin but widely used among people and literally means water.

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