BabClayton's Arts (FIVE OPEN COMMISSION SLOTS)さんのプロフィール画像

BabClayton's Arts (FIVE OPEN COMMISSION SLOTS)さんのイラストまとめ

101DS/Disney Fan Artist
Art Only Account
Comments Are Welcome
Commissions: Open

フォロー数:141 フォロワー数:1234

Here we have Dante with Elvira, a Canine of , who has formed quite a bond with Dante.
What do you think the two may get up to, together!?

13 33

Clayton can be a theatrical pup, so here he is performing a Feline Play for Constantin.
He seems to have found himself an audience, not just with cats, but with Dizzy & Dee-Dee too, hasn't he!?

10 25

Here we have an Art Trade with; , with their Dalmatian, Dion, dancing with Da Vinci!
What do you think they may be dancing to!?

17 36

She is an absolutely precious kitten, and the two bounce off each other so well!
Is it any wonder Clayton absolutely adores her and loves her like a Sister, too!?

13 20

Here we have Deepak, and it seems he has become quite Cosmic in shape. Is this a fantasy while meditating or has his meditation lead to him literally becoming one with the universe and thus able to shape reality!?
What do you think it be!?

9 19

Who else agrees that the Concept Art for the episode; "Doggy Da Vinci" looks absolutely Beautiful!?

9 35

Here we have an Image of Dylan, and it seems he is reacting in horror to a Scorpion approaching him!
Doesn't he realize it's Nisha, the Scorpion of ' Elvira, and they just want to make friends with Dylan!?

18 43

Just made another Meme template, this time using the No/ Yes Meme!
How does this look?

8 33

During Production of a Film or Television Show, a Temp track is placed in, in order to help set the mood of a scene, before the actual soundtrack is made.
In this scene, we can see the episode; "Poodlefall!" uses the theme.
Think it works?

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