BabClayton's Arts (FIVE OPEN COMMISSION SLOTS)さんのプロフィール画像

BabClayton's Arts (FIVE OPEN COMMISSION SLOTS)さんのイラストまとめ

101DS/Disney Fan Artist
Art Only Account
Comments Are Welcome
Commissions: Open

フォロー数:141 フォロワー数:1234

Well, if it's something, I did make these for Delta, across the past couple of months.
These what you have in mind?

9 28

The ever talented has just opened up taking
Whoever is interested, feel free to contact them!
Here is an example of their Wonderful Art!
It be awesome, Eh?

6 17

Here we have a Head Shot of Da Vinci!
What artistic thoughts you think are on her mind?

23 54

I mean, Santa is a confirmed real person in the Comic Universes! Not only did Superman help him in DC, but in Marvel, he is not only a registered Mutant, but also wielded the Infinity Gauntlet, didn't he?

19 560

It's past Midnight where I am, so let's have Dylan & Hansel staring at the Midnight Stars together!
What kind of constellations do you think they may spot in the night sky?

9 19

Here we have an Image of two background characters, who appear in
Something tells me that these two are suppose to be based on the Colonel & Sgt. Tibbs in
What you think?

3 10

In "Dotty Dancing", Dolly asks Dylan if he had a Flea Attack. In 's Storyboards for the episode, she asked if he had Ticks or the "Itchy Bottom Thing, again".
Did You Know that about the Episode?

5 19

Remember when the Temp Score for the episode "Poodlefall!" used the Theme, while Hansel was inspiring Dolly?
I am now curious, which Dalmatian is most like which hero?

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