

Maior pars hominum expectando moritur.

⛓️🌧️⛓️ and others…

フォロー数:689 フォロワー数:2661

kaoru being shoved into kojiro’s honkers manly titties massive breastalicious badonkers and blushing may be one of my fave things ever

33 312

whenever i think kaoru doesn’t show affection towards kojiro i remember this image actually exists

26 355

divorced re married yoga parents matchablossom you’ll always be my faves

59 475

kaoru really went from sk8er boi who listened to my chemical romance to divorced yoga mother who hits you when you breath in his direction

83 424

i love how they went from this to *this*

17 69

that trope of flirty/apparently cocky character becoming the absolute sweetest caretaker with their chosen bitch

66 322

little husbands

85 590

have them for serotonin

25 133