

南無阿弥ダブルチーズバーガー乗せ牛丼特盛りで。 似非縁偽老舗絵師(えせえにしにせしにせえし)。 総理大臣官邸道化師。放し飼いの牛に金剛経を語って聞かせる仕事をしています。ゴッホちゃんの意思を継ぐもの、ゴーギャンです。

フォロー数:269 フォロワー数:23

**DD Kong**
BroDDコング 照れてる❔🤭
This is very much pulled by Satoshi from Pokémon.

Generated by NijiJourney.

0 6

わどるど かわいい
Wadoldo, it's cute. The inner colour, eyes, etc., are pulled a lot by the blue, but maybe that's a good thing this time.

Generated by NijiJourney.

1 6

"akken chang"
I am amazed at the very clean output. The AI is amazing because it can output this picture with just a few words and a simple prompt.

Generated by NijiJourney.

3 62

Professor GoriRabbit as a young man. His hair was still short and he was very young, but behind his eyes he already had the qualities that lead him to where he is today.

Generated by NijiJourney.

0 10

"Brown girl INNIN"
The Midjourney one has a proper grey skin colour, but NijiJourney doesn't seem to be grey, only a proper human colour. Well, brown girls are cute and that's also good.

Generated by NijiJourney.

0 11

Normally, AI would always give him an odd eye without me specifying it, but today, no matter how hard I tried, he didn't get an odd eye. But I like this fragility of him in this picture.

Generated by NijiJourney.

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"Brat Penigaki"
Oh my God!!! Look at his grinning face! This is probably the face he makes when he's playing a prank on someone and the prank is a huge success!

Generated by Midjourney.

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"Motorcycle Dr.Venom"
I don't know... when I see him on the bike... I feel this kind of... unspeakable anxiety.

Generated by Midjourney.

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