

A quiet artist who enjoys scribbling wacky creatures.

I forget I have social media Inactivity is to be expected, my friend.

フォロー数:283 フォロワー数:15

I randomly drew Kyojuro Rengoku so here take him he was chosen by my hands to sketch because I like drawing characters with fun designs and can't help myself when it happens😌

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i was fooling around with stuff and lazily drew zenitsu just because so not everything good with it that and i cant draw people to well sadly lmao

(I'm gonna go sketch more stuff later on)

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prepare for some spam im upload old work that i didn't before because i like sharing what I've done before and hope other can get inspired off of it if they ever run across this :D

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Ok so like listen you grab a cat erase its face slap some fake eyes on it and slap one big ass one in the middle what you get :

Whatever the hell this is

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heres another their name is "she" don't know who 'she' is but they seemed chill in my short 20-minute napthese dreams on these creatures are bizzare and i dont know what they mean lmao

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