

Firmly entrenched in Erasermic hell | Icon @KadaburaDraws | Header @camposanto | They/them | 31 years old | Aro/Ace/Agender | INFP | NSFW on main 🇨🇦

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Have some Gaiaonline avatars! "Demon" types are some of my favorites to make

(And it really impresses me how well oniki and carnage go together!)

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While we're on the topic of avatars here are a few of my favorites I've created over the years

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I think that so far this avatar is coming along nicely

Nothing will ever top THIS one though lmao

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I commissioned my friend to draw my villager and it turned out? So good? Legitimately I'm tearing up a bit I'm so happy with the results 😭

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Okay so I'm currently villager hunting. I've run across Poppy. She's adorable but I already have a normal type. Should I get more tickets and see if I can find another villager I like or go with her?

I already passed on Genji (another Jock)

She IS adorable.... 🤔🤔🤔

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This man is supposed to be a scholarly disaster. He's never heard of jewelry in his life

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You know I really liked early S///U

But once their hair started getting all spiky and their faces started looking like this I just. Idk. It BUGS me for some reason

Like please stop doing that with your face. Idk what it is and I cannot pin point it but I Do Not Like It

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Wow, Sero's a real plain bitch canonically huh?

(no judging cause I am too)

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