Lily Ingersollさんのプロフィール画像

Lily Ingersollさんのイラストまとめ

40's, fluid of gender, ace, shiny
Header: NeonPossum
Icon: FelisRandomis+Me
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フォロー数:846 フォロワー数:2400



Looks like Eric's just spotted a cutie (that's you!)

Cute donk art by

17 80

Can I offer you a nice clem?

7 19

Careful, Inger, you don't want to asplode yourself!

Adorable noodle doodle by Vurrus

9 31

*birb noises*

Avali Ingersoll by

27 161

Even a shiny saluki can enjoy getting lost in a book. I wonder what she's reading...

Lia (recently renamed) by

6 42

"Well, ta-da, I'm here. Now what?"

Cee is in an odd mood today, it seems.

Art by

5 31

Wizh a song in her heart and a squeak in her step, Zeeeah can be a bit of a surprise to about anyone. I'm not sure if Saff zhere is more confused by zhe squeaky yinglet or zhat she's dancing around outside of the enclave.

Art and Saff by

9 21

Strawberry avali. Strawbvali?

Smoll Nomi (or big strawb) by

34 134

What do you suppose she's dancing to?

Retro Zeeeah by

19 61