

Pixel artist/animator,learning 3D . dragon ball latino dub master race.

フォロー数:1866 フォロワー数:1556

working on some cool animations for

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another set for
loved working on these specially on april o'neill

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another one for
based darkseid on the batman brave and the bold's design and despero is also inspired by the design from that series

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another one for
I based the turtle on one of bruce timm's sketches, thought it would be apropiate, wingnut's face was inspired by the joker from batman brave and the bold,it was just perfect hahaha.

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one of the few pixel thingies I've done for
it was a pleasure working on these and try out a different style.
check out the game , its real fun!

33 106

sorry for the lack of content these past few months, just had alot on my plate that I had to deal with as well as some personal projects that I'm keeping secret atm that I'll share with all of you in the near future

lil comission for

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a lil belated bday present for my buddy
thanks for all of these great years, working with you has been pretty fun and hope with can keep working together on more projects later down the line!

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ya thought i was slacking didn't ya?


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another bot for the family of mechs in

19 77