

I am not an izuleo nor a leoizu artist but a third more sinister thing (lesbian) HEADER BY @ixcarus_ side acc : @platelminti

フォロー数:195 フォロワー数:3045

izumi sena | enstars

he actually kinda needs glasses in canon so I hope his vision gets terrible so he stops neglecting them

39 86

[ ensemble stars | kanata shinkai ]

hot girl summer !!

thank you so much for 200 followers!!

47 120

i should have done this before but here's a thread of my boundaries in my art account ;P like a byf

0 15

[ izuleo | enstars ]

Hi guys im shaking from the monster energy drawing while i wait for the izumi gacha How are you doing 😁

39 68

im a firm believer that he should have a beauty mark

4 25

[ ensemble stars | izumi sena ]

another card redraw!!! these are just so fun to do

52 125

[ ensemble stars | izumi sena ]

wah!! i redrew his card. can you tell I really want him!!

121 305

[ izumi sena | enstars ]

izumi rkgk come home 🙏🙏

25 36

i cant draw owen unless hes having fucked up thoughts

6 32

[ enstars | subanatsu ]

painting practice ⭐⚡

31 67