Wishlist our new game: Catechesisさんのプロフィール画像

Wishlist our new game: Catechesisさんのイラストまとめ

Creators of Yuppie Psycho, The Count Lucanor and Catechesis
Find the Devil here: discord.gg/2gdK8V2

フォロー数:768 フォロワー数:13289

Welcome to Videoclub MisterioooOOOooh!

55 209

Yuppie Psycho - Executive Edition

91 260

We can call Doshi to fix the console for you.

0 18

Sintra's Requirements Specification

34 172

New art done! Now a new trailer...
Very soon we will announce the new content and port release. Be patient!!!
(; ω ; )ヾ(´∀`* )

151 462

Aidez-moi! 〣( ºΔº )〣
We need a French translator for the DLC new content.

📖10k words.
📩Contact us here "baroquedecay.com"

40 84