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Silly things to paint on gradient BGs! Cures what ails you, relieves stress. -- hey @AlacrityAH a ShieldBear be hiding in dem files #art #digitalpainting
I hear you like WIP @HoytSilva! Aside though folks, WIP? all in one post, comment thread single posts? what's best, talk to me I'm old and twitter is on my lawn. -- also @PaladinsGame Io card, and the BG you can't really see in game :P
I thought that table looked familiar.... #darkest_timeline #sixseasonsandamovie
Low hanging fruit Mario/X-Men mash ups from back in the day. #videogames #nintendo #marvel #mario #x-men #hashtagsConfuseMe #hashtagsMakeMeSleepy #whySoManyHashtags
@HoytSilva STOP CALLING ME OUT!!! IMMA TRYING TO POST MORE ART THERES JUST SO MANY THINGS ID RATHER DO!!!! ...like read Twitter.... ;) *looksatceiling #heresSomeFnArt #curseYouHoyt #gameart