pame ✿さんのプロフィール画像

pame ✿さんのイラストまとめ

mexican lesbian || she/her || 26 || I read comics while trying to learn physics. Rictor & Hulkling are the ONLY men | pfp by La Medusa

フォロー数:491 フォロワー数:1498

rictor and magik. gay idiots.

4 34

jubilee worried about shogo is everything to me 🥺

0 9

i am going to watch onix equinox in spanish because it seems appropriate. if i didn't have hw to do i'd binge watch it but for now i'll watch one episode. (*adds another anime to my list*)

1 6

graphic description of me with rictor

4 22

you ever think in what kind of name billy and teddy are going to come up for their kid considering their terrible story with codenames.

1 24

oh i have missed runaways. this looks so good.

2 17

there's two types of "surprise wedding, that no one excepted, right in the middle of the event"

6 61