

32 / 🔞 i am not regina george’s cool mom / ship what you want i do not care, i am old and my back hurts / currently writing shinbaku and kacchako

フォロー数:307 フォロワー数:711

Welcome to thigh city.
PS noya definitely has the biggest d on the karasuno team this is the hill i’m willing to die on. daichi close second

9 29

Shouto in a big turtleneck and major shoujo hair is what the world has been waiting for

2 18

Twenty minutes into studying and he gives you this look, wyd

5 18

Glasses Oikawa is the superior Oikawa i will not be taking questions at this time

15 42

He look over at you in the middle of a practice game like this, wyd

9 39

Join me down in the second circle of hell, we have men’s volleyball

124 566