

Hello and welcome to the official page of Bedazzle 1808! 🌟

More update coming soon! 🌟

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"im not a numbah im a human being"

A headstrong and passionate artist who also loves music and fashion. Always open to learning and growing through her experiences, that will not only help her become a better concept artist but a better person too!

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"Okay but does the story hurt-"

Optimistic and curious, Noelle is fond of emotionally impactful stories and elements with hidden meanings. She puts care into incorporating magic and heart in all that she creates.

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"Failure is just an opportunity to learn something new"

Captivated by the wonders of visual design in games since her youth, Melody strives to create what inspires her to draw. She wishes to create memorable characters that will one day inspire other.

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We at Bedazzle would like to thank you so much for your support of our fundraiser!🥰 Pre-orders are still open so don't forget to order your t-shirts!!✨

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