Bryony Dick (she/her)さんのプロフィール画像

Bryony Dick (she/her)さんのイラストまとめ

Illustrator of "Through My Eyes", "Curly Kyla", and "My Afro"
Freelance illustrator, aspiring graphic novelist, Captain Snarkypants.

フォロー数:261 フォロワー数:109

I want to keep working on this but my face hurts. Do I even really *need* sinuses? (See last week's cartoon.)

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Last bit of catch up: "shy". Colin and Rufus meet Hermione and Crookshanks.

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Robin Hood and his Merry Men!
Rob, Tuck, Will, John, and Mary.

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How is it again already? Starting off with Indiana Jones: I alternately wanted to be/snog him as a girl...still do.

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To celebrate being off to for the day: it's Colin in Trafalgar Square!

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I'm Bryony, I'm a freelance illustrator, & I have a serious thing about yellow and teal.

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Just Rufus on his own before heading out on the school run.

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Oh sad Colin. I just love drawing his curls and his pumpkin-coloured tops.

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