

Tentative Twitter user, Chaotic-Good

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33: After taking time to *properly establish* their Night Of The Hunter-esque villain, , , & Jordie Bellaire finally turn him loose. Maybe it’s just me, but I feel not enough teams let their characters breathe like this; it’s a refreshing change.

3 9

with 1030: What a brilliant issue, one of the strongest Superman stories I’ve read in a while, so no surprise wrote it. And the art by & Jordie Bellaire is simply astounding; simultaneously intimate & epic. Love it.

2 15

with (how are we doing the numbers on these? Do you share the 59?): oh hi, you must be the Bad Guy. Everything you’re doing? On. Point.
I mean, it’s , , & . Yehs KNEW it was gonna be great, right?

1 8

with 59: Honestly, you had me at ‘Black Canary’. While forms his league and sets up an interesting baddy, & absolutely deliver the goods with glorious, dynamic art.
It’s real pretty, you guys.

3 28

with 2: “Gone, the form of simian...” Absolutely bloody brilliant. strikes again, with some stellar pages by & Marcelo Maiolo. JLD is a long-time favourite title of mine, and books like this are why.

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with 2: Everyone has *their* JL (I love hearing folks’ lineups), and y’know... I like this one! Which is wild, as I know less than half of them well, but , Robson Rocha, , & are selling it!

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with 1: Full disclaimer, Supes is my favourite, and I can be a *touch* protective of how he’s portrayed.
, , & Jordie Bellaire: well done, lads. I was absolutely thrilled. You’ve done me and Big Blue proud.

1 15

with 1: Yes. Yes to all of this. Yes to ’s plot, dialogue, character beats, and surprises. Yes to ’s Selina and company, high-speed train heists, and dynamic action. Yes to the whole thing. Absolutely nailed it.

5 43

26: This book has been going strength-to-strength lately under the stewardship of , , & FCO Plascencia. Some creators just now what makes a character tick, and this team gets Selina just right; the mischievous iconoclast with her eyes on the prize.

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7: While (w , Arif Prianto, & Sunny Gho) just goes harder with every panel, manages to not only take this brilliant story in new, twisted ways, but also does a deep read on me at the same time. HUGE honour to be part of Cain Anuun!

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