

Hey there! :) I am the creator behind BeKyoot! I draw live weekly: Tues|Thurs around 11:30am CST at…

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Please enjoy these beans and floofs doing a whole lotta nothin' but snugglin'. :) 1957

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[LIVE!] I'm drawing up a Fancy Cats comic yall!! This idea won't quit! Join me at for the a sneak peek!

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How about some Fancy Cats tonight? :) 1953

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[LIVE!] I'm over on sketching in Illustrator on the iPad! Come watch and sketch along with me! :)

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NEW COMIC: 'All Marked Up' This was inspired by the real Coco getting into something this weekend (second pic). I still have no idea what she did! I had to make a comic of it. 😆❤

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Are you drawing anything tonight? :) 1951

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Safety first when you're taking floofs out for a float. ;) 1949

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Tuxie, Coco, and the Floofs were rousted out of bed WAY too early....but for what? ;) So which mood are you when you have to get out of bed before you're ready? I've definitely been in camp Tuxie a couple times! 😆😆 1947

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[LIVE!] Watch as I draw comics live on ! :) I will be working on tomorrow's post which features Momocheet!

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I've got an idea for some short stories/captions that I'm going to try running in IG Stories. This is a title card I made to mark the beginning of a set. :) I'm thinking maybe 2-3 cards/slides/stories per set, with an ending and opening slide like this one. 1946

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