

Daily thoughts are consists of anime, work rants and stuff

フォロー数:184 フォロワー数:164

My biggest regret after I attended Comic Fiesta last year is that I didnt buy Sebastian's dakimakura which is on sale
I KNOW I will start with the series but just too young too dumb to realise. (థฺˇ౪ˇథ)

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So I told mum about my thought on getting a new hamster,

Mum: I've been thinking that too. Maybe you should get a couple. So they wont get lonely. You should get them.


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Finallyyy after one month of preparation, hustling, breaking spirits and pain.

I can finally stay in bed until 10 am. And eat ramen too.

And watch anime, and draw, and laze around

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Happy belated birthday =)

Things are not the same now you are not around, but I still think of you.

Always here in my thoughts.

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Mama: dah tua dah Nabilah, 24 dah masih lagi anime anime.

Me: Mommmmm Anime is not cartooon!! Anime has feelss


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Ong my sister said she will buy collarxmalice game for me omg thats like the top of my wishlist right now omg omg

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The emotion just went straight from stupid happy to depressed in 2 mins.

I cried like a baby. I didnt see that coming. Cried again everytime i rewatch.

Hotarubi no mori e is a must watch.

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Right. I'm going to start watching Black now. Mum said I should watch anime less.

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Sabo is tired. Sabo is sleepy

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