

Official Bendy® Account of Joey Drew Studios®

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Don’t knock.

1137 10879

The hazy light of the film projector... the rhythmic clacking of the gears and drives inside brings me back to another time, another place. Am I back in the studio, or is this a dream?

80 1084

Attention all Joey Drew Studios employees: Please avoid any leaks or puddles in the studio and report them hastily to our maintenance staff. Mind your work and remember, a productive employee is a happy one!

74 1017

Once perfectly polished for thousands of eager eyes, these statues have long lost their luster. What horrors have they seen? If these monuments to madness could only speak.

71 926

Not monsters, but not human. Where do souls go when they have been left to wander for so long...? Best bring a friend for the journey.

86 1133

We've come too far to turn back now... but what if what lies ahead is more dangerous than what creeps up on us from behind?

93 1053

A throne, fit for a king! And who sits upon it? Our beloved Bendy of course! With a smile that warms the heart and a dark, distant twinkle in those little pie-eyes.

156 1432

Exclusive, limited edition Bendy merch made by YOU the fans, starting tomorrow! Details to be

67 514

What strange things do wander the creaking, leaking corridors of Joey Drew Studios… Perhaps you’d better take shelter in this Little Miracle Station? Best not to disturb those who haunt these dark paths.

69 682

Movie time! What're you going to see tonight, a nice creepy horror film, an old-timey black and white classic? And more importantly, how buttery will your popcorn be?

79 786