

I like Bendy & The Ink Machine, Cuphead, Nintendo, and lots of video games in general. | He/Him | This is my only account, any others are impostors. | Im 13+!!!

フォロー数:189 フォロワー数:17491

Okay. now that is just straight up weird.

44 1033

BendyFan2013 is completely disconnected from it's original incarnation as a random kid on twitter. The account is portrayed as Bendy himself from now on.

16 245

I took the time to really think about what happened in the past day and I wanted to write out one final apology before leaving for awhile. I plan on coming back eventually and when I do return, I'll be more smarter next time. I look forward to seeing you all again some day.

829 9744

You guys can't seem to understand my original apology WAS my formal apology. Why make another when you cant even accept the original one or realize that people change. I don't care if it was "only a few days ago", I HAVE changed whether you wanna believe it or not.

83 2174

I love having to constantly repeat myself. I apologized once, and everybody forgave me for it.... but Noooo... people HAVE to bring up things from the past that have already been resolved to start more drama.

37 1042

The mind WILL be blown of any future and current hater that tries to stop me.
Take Mr. "**** BendyFan2013" as a friendly warning.

4 559

I'm not a part of the FBI, dont worry guys!!

33 1095