

21 || He/Him

フォロー数:489 フォロワー数:103

Yeah this
Ayakashi Triangle is good stuff. Why? Well I could tell you but we got an anime coming out eventually, so I'll just leave it at that.

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Lastly is Dr. STONE, which will be the toughest to talk about since spoilers. 2021 turned this manga from "really great" to my personal overall favourite series in Jump at the moment. I can't say anything other than uh...
Anime-onlies, look forward to S3 and beyond.

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It's almost 2022 and I still live in a world where Yozakura Family is barely mentioned. Why? Furthermore, how? This manga is actually incredible, and this year alone turned it into a Top 5 for Jump for me. Some of the best action and artwork I've seen in a while, give it a look.

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(also side note, Jesus Christ this series has got some impressive volume covers. Volume 5 especially is something else)

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Time for Top 5:
Blue Box is the newest series on here and I'll be damned, this is really good. Never read the one-shot but this is some great stuff. Granted, only competition here is Kaguya-sama since that's the only other Romance I've read, but give this a look when you can.

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Horimiya was a fun read though goddamn did this series have to end just when I started? Like I know it's been around for like, a decade, but give me a warning first good lord. Anyway yeah good time. Liked the comedy more so than the romance though, couldn't tell you why.

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WOOO BOY okay that's it for anime. This is the part where I get to talking about the mangas next but right now, I'm very tired, so I'll put the thread on-hold until tomorrow. If you've read this far, thank you for taking time out of your day to read this mess.
It means a lot :)

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And finally, we have the anime that made m-- Its Gintama. You already knew going into this that it was gonna be Gintama. This series has managed to beat my all-time favorite anime series and take the throne. I won't say what that series was in fear of being called a normie.

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Gekkan Shojo Nozaki-kun - This show caught me by surprise, as after being constantly requested to watch it (thanks Julio), I thought I was going to be in for something rather underwhelming (like most suggestions I get) but no, this was an entertaining watch from start to finish.

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