Gaia Bentosさんのプロフィール画像

Gaia Bentosさんのイラストまとめ

There's nothing here!…

フォロー数:5063 フォロワー数:893

This oversaturation, on top with the resurgance of "Calarts Style" by 4chan trolls in /aco/, was the recepie of a dangerous firestorm of bad takes.

Wakfu (and it's spinoffs) uses both!

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Took on a design prompt suggested. Come up with a Sonic OC using the colors provided. This is what I got, a robo fawn based on the colors of Nicole Lynx.

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Why have I been drawing art without basic understanding of volume for so long?!

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What if it's the reverse? A good design trapped in an AU when it could've been a new character.

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All this talk of Iris reminds me that I have a repliforce war vet that has yet to be completed (or well, wrecked beyond repair). Current design is a sketch of her in her prime before becoming Tenta's bouncer.

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Digimon was a tomagotchi toy that got an animated series... Which unfortunately came about the same time as Pokemon. Let's say there was a blood feud between fandoms, which has thankfully simmered down as (some) older fans grew wiser of their surroundings.

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Aph helped make the descendants of American Nazi Sympathizers feel SEEN.

This made said fetishists feel more comfortable about their identity, while shows on the home front since WWII tried to keep the spirit of old propaganda cartoons a joke... That backfired.

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Now here are both Tenta and Vol together. I clearly had more time with Vol than I did Tenta, did I?

This was the intended idea I had awhile back with Belladonna, but obviously lacked direction in her case since she was later revealed to be swole...

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A chibi vol to go with the Tenta I made awhile back. Getting the hang of this style...

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Quick tenta I drew earlier the week, inspired by the XDiVe sticker set.

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