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I did my first ever with a friend! She had me draw skinny from and she drew my oc Rita in her style. Check out duranfabrics on IG to see! Let me know if you'd like to do an art trade with me too!

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Okay, so this is incredibly dumb but I still kinda like it.

About a year ago I had a 3D animation class with a very open-ended project, and the way I decided to go about this project was by drawing on top of posed 3D models. This comic is the result.

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I've opened some new commission slots on Artists&Clients, including simple sketches and colored drawings! The attached photos are examples for each of my slots so far.


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This little guy here is a Kranum! They're a group of robot bandits I created. They use their extendable arms to snatch up loot and fight using water balloons filled with all sorts of alchemical concoctions.

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is quickly becoming my new favorite character, so I had to draw her! Here she is eagerly swooping in to save her dear old dad, .

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First time submitting a drawing for ! She's a character I designed myself named Sydney. Drawn in .

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And here's one of my own characters for once, Rita Mitrace. I made her all the way back in middle school, but she looks pretty different now. I also experimented with some different brushes in , for a different outline style and some greyscale.

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