

still alive…

フォロー数:500 フォロワー数:3787

With this episode we're past the half point of the season. This has been going by too fast, I don't want it to end

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Fiji, u want to say Gintoki top 1, u want to say it so badly

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The worldbuilding here is incredible, my fav in any series. Since there are multiple character perspectives, you gradually learn about the different cultures and people on Roshar, so it doesn’t feel overwhelming when the main characters move around and major plot points occur

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This was it from a few weeks ago

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US and UK, the US one got illustrations too, havent seen the inside of the UK ones

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Started reading this today, slice of life series with a college setting (🙏), with a focus on cooking and romance. Cool stuff so far. It's called Tonari Kuu

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