

"let it go around the cosmos over the pain!"

フォロー数:669 フォロワー数:2797

16. We Are fightign. i am K!ll!ng maiming him

0 6

me and my wifehusband saw u across the cafe and we Hate ur vibe. D!e

42 198

stream starting soon! my roommate is off watching a movie, link in replies and will bump when its up!

1 6

i've been on such a junebug kick,

2 15

huevo makes a new friend! nightmaritans, like the other dream denizens, no longer have a dreamer to play a role for. despite their scary appearance, they are as sweet as can be. this one was based on a fear of being dragged under a bed/into a lake

5 10

seasells fans when you DOUBLE TAP NOW😳

10 32