Best of Rogueさんのプロフィール画像

Best of Rogueさんのイラストまとめ

News, updates, information and everything related to Rogue, from all types of media.

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rogue in the variant cover of x-men (2021) illustrated by rian gonzales.

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rogue in the previews of excalibur (2019) illustrated by marcus to.

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rogue in the variant cover of x-men (2021) illustrated by felipe massafera. this variant is inspired by the cover made by jim lee, for x-men (1991)

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rogue in the variant cover of x-men (2021) illustrated by scottie young.

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rogue in magneto and the mutant force (2021)

✦ art by bernard chang.

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rogue in the cover of x-men (2021)

✦ art by pepe larraz.

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✦ variant cover of x-men (2021) by juann cabal, carmen carnero, peach momoko, iban coello, r.b. silva, natacha bustos, patrick gleason and joshua cassara.

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“as iceman, i’ve made a career out of denial. [...] but it’s pretty obvious you saw something in remy’s mind – when you kissed him. something that scared you.”

“even if i remembered, and i’m not saying i do, maybe i’m not ready to talk about it.”

✦ uncanny x-men (1963)

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“the dream is always the same. in it, the woman known as rogue seeks what her mutant power to absorb the abilities and memories of others forever denies her… simple human touch”

rogue dreams of being able to touch gambit.

✦ uncanny x-men (1963)

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happy 40th anniversary, rogue!

on this day, 40 years ago, rogue made her comic-book debut in avengers annual this issue was published on january 1st of 1981, written by chris claremont and drawn by michael golden.

✦ avengers annual

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