

Magpie supporter of the Shoe Thieves. She/her. Makes a lot of Blaseball posters

フォロー数:95 フォロワー数:885

Here's a collection of things I've made for chaotic paladins

Thanks again to for her awesome fire diamond design that I incorporated in my logo ❤️

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Here are some things I've made for the beautiful, cursed , who won a championship once 40 years ago and are still paying for it:
- matchup posters vs the other current teams
- slogan postcard
- ULB-era logo
- current ILB-era logo

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Here are your Season 22 Overbracket Wild Card series:
- vs
- vs

And Underbracket Wild Cards:
- vs
- vs

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I made a logo for the vintage team the Baltimore Crabs (left), not to be confused with current blaseball team (right)

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Here are your Season 21 Internet Series:

The Overnet Series is vs
The Undernet Series is vs

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Here are the Season 20 Championship Series:
- vs
- vs

And the Season 20 Underchampionship Series:
- vs
- vs

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I've never made a logo for , so this is for them

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