

ただの洋ゲー好きなオタクのアカウント。クラッシュバンディクー関連のラクガキをちょこちょこ描いてます。 最近は停滞気味 | Male | crash bandicoot | game | 2D art

フォロー数:250 フォロワー数:2454

2017→2019→2020→2021 と、
"wumpa league"とやらもあるみたいだし、今後の展開が楽しみ…☺️

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Merry Christmas !!
"Crash of the Guaedians"🎅🧚‍♀️🐰⏳❄️

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Really?! I love their Pirate costume! Thanks for give us such a wonderfull work!✨
...also, I'm really happy that the creator commented on my fan art😭

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I want to draw something that includes
Rusty Walrus and Bearminator...🤔

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I'm happy to know that nostalgic characters will reappear in 🤗🤗🤗✨

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