MZ | emzeさんのプロフィール画像

MZ | emzeさんのイラストまとめ

20⬆🇮🇩 (ENG/IDN ok!)

|| Rants, arts and everything else. 🍉 🫒 ||

フォロー数:223 フォロワー数:266

Kayak gini oke gak nder? 😅 aku udah lama ga gambar mereka tapii, art taun 2018

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Cakep banget nder! Ini satu2nya yang aku bikin berurutan sih, art lama juga hehe

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Aku membuka sketchbook yang kubeli taun lalu:

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Karena dulu pernah magang di ilust buku anak, padahal basicnya aku gaya anime2 gitu 😅 jadi kadang mix in between keduanya

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Ceritanya ballroom attire gitu sih hehe

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My entry for ^^

Her design for ER is very cute, but it's a pain to draw her dress 😅 unfortunately my pc don't have enough space to play ER~

Hope you like it ^^

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Idk if this official since i saved this long time ago and can't remember the source, maybe this can give you some insight 👀

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