Brian Greeneさんのプロフィール画像

Brian Greeneさんのイラストまとめ

Theoretical Physicist, Author, Co-founder @WorldSciFest, Professor of Mathematics & Physics, Columbia University

フォロー数:28 フォロワー数:1075251

When you cross over the edge of a black hole, space and time interchange their roles. You are drawn toward the black hole's center with the same inevitability as you are drawn to the next moment in time.

704 4849

A common misunderstanding: In quantum teleportation, matter is NOT teleported. Instead, quantum information describing matter is teleported. Which raises the question: Are you the sum of your information?

422 1562

Tomorrow morning: Event Horizon Telescope reveals the first direct image of the edge of a black hole. Most exciting possibility: The image does not fully agree with the prediction from Einstein's general relativity, perhaps forcing us to modify Einstein's equations.

957 2423

Grasp a glass and you don't actually touch it. Electrons in your hand push against those in the glass creating a tiny but unbridgeable gap. Sit in a chair and you actually hover slightly above its surface. You've never had direct physical contact with anything.

697 2093

"I much prefer the sharpest criticism of a single intelligent man to the thoughtless approval of the masses."--Johannes Kepler, born OTD 1571.

524 1793

We thought all galaxies contain a substantial amount of dark matter. The new surprise: some don't.

421 1141

Here's what still puzzles many of us regarding quantum mechanics: How does the theory bridge the fuzzy, probabilistic, mathematical description with the single, definite reality of common experience?

174 755

"We don't know a millionth of one percent about anything." --Thomas Edison, died OTD 1931.

268 815

It's Official: Gravitational waves from colliding neutron stars detected--first ever events both heard with gravity and seen with light.

798 1961

"Men are born ignorant, not stupid; they are made stupid by education." -- Bertrand Russell, born on this date, 1872.

414 775