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Australia has now contributed over 175,000 pgs of biodiversity heritage literature to @BioDivLibrary. #accessible #discoverable #searchable
1st description of the Porculine Opossum (Southern Brown Bandicoot) Shaw 1797 https://t.co/X6b2QgnErs Via @museumsvictoria & @BioDivLibrary
Colour variation in Shaw's hand-painted The Naturalist's Miscellany: @museumsvictoria copy & @SILibraries copy (on @BioDivLibrary) #SciArt
1st description of the Eastern Rosella (Shaw, 1792) #rainbowsinthelibrary via @BioDivLibrary & @SILibraries #SciArt https://t.co/8RnwUKwjAK
In 1790 Shaw introduced this bizarre creature to the world. He called it Macropus https://t.co/NKk2KqvurE via @museumvictoria @BioDivLibrary
Along with details of its beak & webbed feet (because it was assembled from other animals after all) @Flickr @museumvictoria @BioDivLibrary
"Fangs equal in size to the talons of a hawk" #PageFrights (1789) Via @BioDivLibrary & @museumvictoria https://t.co/omHJMJgszV
Suriname Toads hatch from eggs embedded in their mother's back. #PageFrights Via @BioDivLibrary & @museumvictoria https://t.co/7REYT8VW1W
The Seadragon was more accurately portrayed by Ludwig Becker https://t.co/7C2gPqShy6 @BioDivLibrary @museumvictoria