I liked the trailer and I'm hype for the show, but I just have to say something about how wonky the helmet looks at times. It seems like they tweaked the proportions, and between that and the slightly weathered paint, it's giving me big Halloween store vibes
Despite the software crashes, I managed to cut in those last details, make the full helmet a mostly uniform thickness, and separate the chin and mouth sections. ready to be split down into chunks that will fit on my printer now 😃
Just about done with the panel lines now. I just have a couple grooves around the eye sockets to add and the split for the detachable chin section to make it easier to put on and take off
did a lot of smoothing (which isn't especially visible with this shading but did make a big difference) and now I'm ready to add panel lines in the next couple of days and hopefully start printing this weekend! 😀