

A Christian picture story teller…

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They were aware of the frogs and their new friend.

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The frogs were not called for, but they could freely see what the apostles were doing.

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Peter came and called Mark to their meeting.

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That was why he came to this country.

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Luke started to his job as a physician, but he often disappointed at his ability.

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Luke remembered when he was a little child. He mourned his mother so bad, and he made up his mind to save people from diseases. But the death had been yet intractable.

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Though he could not believe it simply, Luke acknowledged the earnestness of the frogs talking about the resurrection of Jesus.

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They told the crucifixion and the following resurrection of Jesus, which astonished Luke.

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He named himself Luke.

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Finally the traveller was made haircut by Mark's mother . Now he looked utterly different from how he was for the first time.

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