Molly Fairhurst (さんのプロフィール画像

Molly Fairhurst (さんのイラストまとめ // links below // she/her 🌝 for commercial enquiries please contact Anja Haas [email protected]

フォロー数:1173 フォロワー数:10475

Hi Mallory, just dropping my portfolio and some previous editorial images here, thank you ✉️

4 29

while we're here talking about the year 500 my comic about french cat nuns in the middle ages is amongst the titles here... available for October...

30 193

Illustration for the New York Times, How I Knew I Needed to Quit Instagram by Laura Mckowen 📱 🌹

80 894

I need a fact check on this French outburst did I spell it right? Merci.

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