

Just a Sonic fan with an unhealthy Sega's Model2 arcade game obsession.

フォロー数:4319 フォロワー数:1459

Mai-Otome was great, and it's hard to believe it's been nearly 16 years now. Was definitely an interesting concept for magical girls.

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When you share birthdays with THREE anime girls from the same show...

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Some alternate angles to see things a little differently in Tails hangar in Sonic the Fighters.

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It's been nearly a year to the day I made the "slightly bigger Eggman" tweet that egoraptor retweeted and everyone went crazy for, but I now have a tweet to surpass it! Thank you everyone for enjoying this content!

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For real? We doing this now?

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Yes, hello, , this is an emergency twitter ping...

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More shots of beta Beta bark. Obviously not 100% accurate to the original screenshots but it is something nonetheless.

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Korone is such a little gremlin

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