

Just a Sonic fan with an unhealthy Sega's Model2 arcade game obsession.

フォロー数:4307 フォロワー数:1436

This type of pose is popular for goggled, long gloved, bikini top catgirls apparently...

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Absolutely stunning! Here's a preliminary render from what's been extracted from the game itself! We don't quite know what we're doing yet though, lol!

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A THIRD SIZED, UNUSED EGGMAN HAS BEEN FOUND AMONG THE PLAYER MODEL PARTS DATA!!! He has a head, but it's the same height as the normal Eggman, so it's inside the body.

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So there's a mystery solved. Super Sonic has two Sonic the Fighters promo renders. One with a regular expression and one with an angry expression. In the game's data, whenever he's not using his regular expression (such as if Amy uses her "Look Over Here!" move), he's angry.

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Aww yeah! This is happin'! 😁

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There's some unreferenced code in Sonic the Fighters that I forced to execute. It puts "SONIC 11.08" in the bottom center of the screen!

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Sometimes it's easier than you expect it to be...

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Here's a GIF showing Honey in her original squished form, and my patched form. For those who might not understand it fully.

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Pixel perfect ver, courtesy of

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