

(lüno-līn) \\NSFW// ‾̀◡‾́ wastrel // MOB PSYCHO/ritshou 律ショウ / tongue-in-cheek / PROshipper \ FUB freee /Known Bastard\ AFA major!…

フォロー数:128 フォロワー数:8152

liitle drawing (its fine)

243 1151

Wanna know a really good concept? Ageswap yeah? You know Ritsu being like 26 or something yeah yeah but. Shou n h… — its a good concept-- this treat feeds many people and yet i underappreciate it daily. PLS ENJOY THIS GIFt

18 129

I LOVE THIS FIC so i made a little art of it.
alkhale, if ur out there, thank u <3
the fic:

68 287

sorta random request but do you have any music you really like? anything at all, from stuff that reminds you of c… — TBH i dont have many songs that actively remind me of ships/characters so much but i can apply about any OTP to m…

17 126

age manip! shourits? with younger sho (13) and older ritsu (maybe 17-18 ish?) I can see shou getting obsessed wit… — THIS CONCEPT IS SO CUTE! thank you!!!

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