

Into making gay bara erotic illustration.

フォロー数:73 フォロワー数:1974

Every game needs a hot sexy daddy, does it? Under construction, will be finished soon.

4 43

Happy birthday to ! Sorry about the detail and shadow missing in such a hurry... But at least I didn’t forget those pinky nipples.

11 50

All made with iPad Pro + Apple Pencil + procreate. Hope you guys enjoy it.

12 79

A fan art of a cartoon movie. Which version do you prefer?

79 397

first orc paint as 's birthday gift!

17 122

Bradley the lumberjack is used to wear boxers or get naked during work, since there is no one in the forest. He is proud of his bodyhair, but his boyfriend sometimes feels he is TOO hairy that he has to shave himself from time to time. So what do you think?

249 938

Sheriff Bobby looks like quite serious but actually he has a warm heart. The only problem that bothers him is his uniform is always too tight. But beware, if you try to do something BAD, sheriff Bobby will arrest you, interrogate you and eventually PUNISH you.

25 91

Markus is a private bodyguard. He has been working for a billionaire over years. Obviously his boss is VERY satisfied with this huge musculine bodyguard. Instead of being a secret lover of his boss, Markus always keep it in a professional way, which makes his boss quite sad.

34 147

Love always wins. ❤️❤️❤️

23 110

After years of taking massive doses of steroids and hardcore training, Bryan has succesfully became the biggest super heavy weight professional bodybuillder. Not only a muscle beast, Bryan is also a fucking machine with a 16-inch-cock. You can fuck him if you have a bigger one.

42 112