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フォロー数:1318 フォロワー数:27415

"Atlas sistemático de historia natural" (1867) — with 36 plates representing the animal, plant & mineral kingdoms — was intended as a teaching aid for schools & families. Explore the Atlas in thanks to as part of BHL México ➡️

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Pheasant's Foot Geranium (Pelargonium glutinosum). engraved by S. Watts after designs by Edwin Dalton Smith and published within Robert Sweet's 5-volume work on the family Geraniaceae, freely available in via ➡️

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Natterer's bat (Myotis nattereri) and Daubenton's Bat (Myotis daubentonii).

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Beautiful from "D'Amboinsche Rariteitkamer" for This 1705 work by Rumpf details the marine life of Amboina (Ambon) in what is now eastern Indonesia & features by Maria Sybilla Merian. In via :

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October is Bats are important pollinators and they also help keep insect populations (such as mosquitoes) in check. by Ernst Haeckel from "Kunstformen der Natur" (1899-1904), in via ➡️ 🦇🦇🦇

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"Trees and shrubs of the British Isles" (1909) was produced as a guide to help readers identify some 550 such native and commonly cultivated species of Britain. The 16 color plates are by C.F. Newall. In via ➡️

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"Stirpes novae" (1784–1785) described, illustrated, and classified according to the Linnaean system plants new or largely unknown to science. Pierre-Joseph Redouté provided more than 50 plates for the work. Find it in via ➡️

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The long-leaf sugarbush (Protea longifolia) is native to South Africa. drawn and lithographed by C.F. Schmidt for "Icones plantarum rariorum Horti Regii Botanici Berolinensis" (1840-44), freely available in via ➡️

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"Des champignons comestibles, suspects et vénéneux" (1827-28) is a rare mycological work with depicting 200 mushroom species arranged according to edible, suspect, and poisonous species. Explore it in via ➡️

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Mexican naturalist Rafael Montes de Oca's "Ensayo ornitologico de los troquilideos ó colibries de Mexico" (1875) describes 48 Mexican hummingbird species. Find it in thanks to ➡️

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