Heather, RNさんのプロフィール画像

Heather, RNさんのイラストまとめ

Autistic + ADHD ♿️ 🌈 Chronic pain | Type 1 Diabetic | Adrenal Insufficiency | Nurse | Disabled | Trekkie | Sci-Fi | she/they

フォロー数:4545 フォロワー数:1397

That’s awesome! Any bit of joy is precious. 💕 I’m still learning to draw digitally. My daughter however, has done wonderfully moving to digital art. Idk if you’ve ever seen her art, but I’ll share her twitter: . This is one of my favorite drawings of hers.

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Going on my third night of no sleep. Absolutely nothing is helping. Had something scary happen and though my body is absolutely weary, I cannot sleep. I spent 30 seconds insisting to doctors office my daughters name was spelled a different (wrong!) way. 🤦🏼‍♀️ I need sleep.

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I’m so sorry you have to deal with this. It’s exhausting having to be on top of all of this ourselves, all the time. This is one reason I want a universal system for information. It’s maddening to not have our docs be able to access info from all systems. 🤦🏼‍♀️

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I’m so sorry. People suck. If it’s any consolation, I feel the same. Wanted to come home after a week away and have ten minutes of peace but that is impossible apparently. Like fuck, I am *TIRED*. Here’s a hug if you want one. ❤️

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As someone now on three meds for depression, I feel you. This time of year is fucking brutal for me.

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Gotta include Murf from the new Star Trek: Prodigy series!

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I want to know why a doc thinks it’s appropriate to just GRAB someone’s limb when they have dx’d CRPS. Yo, that shit HURTS. You comment on how badly it’s swollen, red, and how painful it looks…and then GRAB IT?!?! PLEASE DO NOT DO THAT!

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