

Kyrene Tráth | Thigh High Nun | Scuffed Streams/Low Effort Meme Magic | Fight Game Enjoyer (Bad at them) | Icon by @liskim13 | Banner by @Nomophobical

フォロー数:147 フォロワー数:152

Wait this is what this character is fromt hat I randomly got this image from for reference for something. I don't know what I'm talking about

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The outfit makes me think of the tradwife meme. I don't get why people think this equals 'kid'

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I also bought Lost Dimension. I had forgotten this game I was interested in amoung the sea of rpgs I was interested in. Only 6.24 atm on steam. Definitely looking forward to getting to this too.

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Whelp I bought Resonance of Fate finally and Touhou Luna Nights for some reason. I guess Gensou Wanderer actually was me breaking into Touhou, but I feel like I know nothing except Momiji is cute... The only definitive thing (oh and I bought system shock 2). Expect streams?

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Happy birthday King have a wholesome day

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