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Absolutely gorgeous zodiac Christmas card design by John Buckland Wright, for the cricketer Miles Howell and his wife, 1935 https://t.co/1L73Vnupep
I hear that stars and wars are very popular right now for some reason... https://t.co/t8jYxA0Ail https://t.co/yI0ClcOgY0
We have a whole box full of Robert Frost Christmas cards in stock; enough to send one to every member of your extended family (and probably with enough left over to keep your favourites for yourself) https://t.co/mXCYqgnnuZ
'The Silver Bullet' ball bearing game, circa 1915. Despite many (many) attempts, I can't make it past Magdeburg https://t.co/GYPZqe76HI
Stunning 1908 Art Nouveau edition of Nietzsche's Also Sprach Zarathustra. It's not often that I gasp at a title page https://t.co/yMiGNUv9Nq
Best book title of the day has to be awarded to Miranda the Panda is on the Veranda - say that 10 times fast! https://t.co/Za9OhzEx4n
Fantastic endpapers and where to find them, in a 1765 edn of John Wallis' Grammatica linguae Anglicanae https://t.co/wMqZrZSfmC
Shakespeare's As You Like It, illustrated with decor and costume designs by Salvador Dali https://t.co/UR9JymunWM
Cooper Willyam's A voyage up the Mediterranean, large paper edition - very large indeed, believe me #TravelTuesday https://t.co/UGPzXF5EjQ
I'm 90% certain I have tweeted this before, but it's so nice I'm going to tweet it again, laughing with wild abandon https://t.co/w1rOiDPc76